He's located on an upper floor of a building at the north side of the island. The Shade's token is earned by doing a quest for him. After speaking to him once more, he'll give you the token. Approach each person and speak to them, then return to Mongul. Each one is marked on the radar as a yellow dot with a silhouette. He'll task you with delivering six copies of his latest game to six different customers. He's located inside a game store in the west part of the island. Mongul's token is earned by doing a quest for him. After you defeat all the minions, you'll get the token. You'll stop a few times to defeat some easy minions that will fall to one hit each. After speaking to him, follow him as he leads you around the island.

He's located in a back alley in the central part of the island. Gizmo's token is earned by doing a quest for him. Once all three pictures have been taken, return to Huntress and speak to her to get her token. When they're in the right spot, the frame will turn green, and then you can snap the picture. The minions will have a white frame around them, and that needs to be in-frame for the camera. When you approach each spot, press L1 (on PS4) or LB (on Xbox One) to enter Photo Mode. All are marked on the map with a Riddler-like question mark icon. They are widespread: one is at the docks of central Gotham, one is in front of Arkham Asylum far to the west, and one is on an upper level of Ace Chemicals. Speak to her to start and she'll ask you for three photographs of minions. She's located in a back alley in the southeast corner of the island. Huntress's token is earned by doing a quest for her. It's in an upper room near Ace Chemicals on the southeast corner of the island. Star Sapphire's token is in a brown suitcase. Character Tokens can be collected in any order, but you will still need to pay studs to make a character available even after you earn it. You will still see the white arrow indicating its position if you have Character Token Detector Red Brick enabled. Even if Johnny DC is active, note that the Character Tokens in brown suitcases will not appear on the map or radar.